The images in this photo compilation and the gallery that follows represent the most read Health Beat stories in 2022. We are honored to share these stories of hope, compassion and courage.
Dressed as a cheeseburger and french fries, newborns Caeli and Ailani Gonzalez Rivera looked snug and content in their Halloween costumes. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
After surviving some of the worst injuries trauma doctors have ever seen, Kim DeWind intends to “live life a little fuller.” (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Darren and Kayla Jibben, of Sacramento, California, began their search for answers for their son Jameson’s rare disease shortly after he was born. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Dianna Webb was only 22 weeks into her pregnancy with twin boys when her water broke. Doctors did everything possible to keep her from going into labor. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Tiny Riley Bosma has already met a host of challenges—a rare procedure before birth and two open-heart surgeries as an infant. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
For senior pictures, Bree Town, 18, returned to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital where she spent months of her childhood. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Gender-affirming surgery gives Jameson ‘Jay’ Dunn renewed confidence as he sets out for a bright, new future. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
With a loving family and guidance from doctors, Wesley Holtvluwer and his sister, Sienna, are thriving, despite their spinal muscular atrophy. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Ava Weis, 10, had seemed tired and not herself for quite some time. In January 2022, a chest X-ray started her on a path of precision cancer treatment. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Premature babies in the NICU get dressed up for the holidays. Twins, Harrison and Leonard Thiry were born at 33 weeks. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
After pregnancy loss, ovarian cancer and the birth of her “miracle babies,” Heather David hopes for normalcy. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
The moment their little baby, Hazel, came into this world, Logan and Jade O’Brien knew something was wrong. Genetic testing diagnosed Hazel’s rare condition. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
After adopting a healthier lifestyle, Tom Hausserman shed many pounds—and much of his medication. (Courtesy photos)
“She has made it through two heart surgeries already,” said Addy Payne’s mom, Rachel Payne. “She is very strong. Very resilient.” (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Since 2015, Daniel Hannapel, 20, has had three heart-related surgeries tied to a rare condition known as Marfan syndrome. The most recent was in January 2021. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Lorenzo Pettis’ birth at 12:22 a.m. Jan. 1, 2022, earned him the title of first baby of the year at Corewell Health Butterworth Hospital. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
With a new electronic spinal implant, John Watson is finally returning to the active life he knew. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Amelia Brusk, 5, has Apert syndrome, a rare genetic condition affecting roughly 1 in 75,000 births. She has been through nine reconstructive surgeries, and more are planned. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Nurses Carol Bos, Pat Gravelyn, and Liga Ruperts have forged a special bond after working more than four decades together in the NICU. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Amid the many demands of official business, Officer Nicole Bowl and police dog Max always make time for the essential—patient visits and playtime. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Perseverance played a lead role in a Marilyn Ondersma’s recovery from a heart attack and COVID-19. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Battling fatigue and heart trouble, Tim DeGeest learned he had a rare genetic mutation—and he’d need a heart transplant to survive. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Lauren Vegter became a dance studio regular when she was 3 years old. Entering her teens, she began to feel unexplainable pain and experience strange symptoms. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Parents, grandparents and caregivers assemble their time and talents to help Lucas Semelbauer in his battle against a rare form of epilepsy. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
A passion for art and classic cars keeps Aaron Coon in good spirits amid a battle with cancer. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Lacey McNeil’s parents became concerned when their daughter’s growth chart numbers declined. They never suspected a tumor could be growing inside her little body. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
When Anna Weeber’s son, Hudson, 5, suffered an injury while playing on an in-ground trampoline, she remembers seeing “his lower leg in two distinctly different angles.” (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Christopher Palazzo, MD, and John Duhn, DO, are family medicine physicians with a practice that is popular among the LGBTQ+ community. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
At 13, Sarah Conway lost her leg to cancer. Now a student in college, she’s chosen a career in medicine. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Robot-assisted surgery helped Deb Borst, 73, return to her active life after a cancer diagnosis. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
In July 2020, Heidi Gossard found her 16-year-old son Austin lying on the living room floor, unable to speak. “It was completely out of the blue,” she said. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Identical twins Austin and Owen Plumert share an identical passion for hockey. They also once shared a debilitating torment: hip pain. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Forget all the tests and treatments. Jase Amesbury embraces life with joy—swimming, bike riding and playing with his sister. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Five-year-old Louis Ribbens and his parents have undergone quite a journey of the heart. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
After a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, Alan Barchett’s commitment to diet and lifestyle change has helped him reclaim his health. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Children of adult patients in the hospital receive emotional support through a new Child and Family Life program. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Four Corewell Health team members reflect on their years in the military—and how it helped shape their work today. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Severe pain caused by sickle cell disease continually sent Jada White to the hospital for blood transfusions and treatment for pain or infections. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Vanessa Braden always tried to stay in shape and live a healthy lifestyle. Short medical fasts are giving her improved health and vitality. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
More than 500 walking animal balloons and red heart balloons were delivered to Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital on Valentine’s Day. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
After doctors installed a small device in his spine, Don Ferris is enjoying a life without back pain—for the first time in years. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
When she suffered a stroke, quick treatment led Mary Kleinheksel to a remarkable recovery—and a chance to sing again. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
Advanced brain-mapping technology and brain surgery give Everett Oostveen, 6, hope for a life without seizures. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
A fast-acting surgery on a ruptured hemangioma pulled Victoria Beauregard back from the brink. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
A breakthrough discovery and new chemotherapy medication give new hope to the family of little Zoey Emmons. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Children, families and NICU team members came together Saturday for the 2022 NICU reunion. Evelyn Boeve, 6, smiles as she fishes during the event. (Johnny Quirin | Health Beat)
With help from a pediatric psychologist, Kelly Walski now can now identify anxiety as the source of her severe pain. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
When Jeff Conzelmann, a hospital pharmacist, was diagnosed with T-cell leukemia, he experienced the receiving side of health care during his journey. (Chris Clark | Health Beat)
In his battle against kidney disease, 11-year-old Isaac Fletcher has become a familiar, smiling face at dialysis treatments. (Taylor Ballek | Health Beat)
Hope. Courage. Resilience.
And new beginnings.
These themes shined through in the stories that made Health Beat’s top 50 list in 2022, as patients, families and friends shared their inspirational journeys with the world.
We are honored to document their courageous stories and proud to highlight the compassionate, skilled team members who devote their talents to helping us fight for our futures.
And that team shaped new vistas this year, as two of Michigan’s most respected health systems—Spectrum Health and Beaumont Health—came together as Corewell Health.
With each story, each photograph, we gain insight, strength and wisdom.
Through it all, we embrace the challenges, celebrate the triumphs and marvel at the new discoveries that continue to advance the treatment of patients of all ages, from all walks of life. Together, we continue to connect people to the care they need, helping change lives for the better.
We thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives. We’re honored and humbled at the opportunity to share these remarkable stories.
Your Top 10 stories of 2022:
1. That’s just adorable
NICU babies are dressed in handmade costumes to celebrate Halloween.
2. ‘I wanted to live’
After surviving some of the worst injuries trauma doctors have ever seen, Kim DeWind intends to “live life a little fuller.”
3. Jameson’s Journey
In the quest to treat their 6-year-old boy’s rare disease, a California couple finds answers in West Michigan.
4. Small babies, big blessings
Every day mattered to improve the odds for two tiny twin newborns—and they’re now thriving.
5. ‘Like a warrior’
Tiny Riley Bosma has already met a host of challenges—a rare procedure before birth and two open-heart surgeries as an infant.
6. ‘So thankful to be alive’
For senior pictures, Bree Town, 18, returns to the children’s hospital where she spent months of her childhood.
7. ‘I can take on the world now’
Gender-affirming surgery gives Jameson ‘Jay’ Dunn renewed confidence as he sets out for a bright, new future.
8. ‘They are both little miracles’
With a loving family and guidance from doctors, a pair of young siblings with spinal muscular atrophy are thriving.
9. Ava, Ollie and Caramel Willy
With a cat and a new puppy awaiting her return home, a West Michigan girl ventures across the state for a precision cancer treatment.
10. Tiny babies in ugly sweaters
Premature babies in the NICU get dressed up for the holidays.
Wondering which stories rounded out the Top 50? Here you go:
11. ‘She’s overcome so much’
After pregnancy loss, ovarian cancer and the birth of her “miracle babies,” Heather David hopes for normalcy.
12. ‘The puzzle pieces made sense’
Genetic testing helps a Michigan mom and dad find answers to their baby’s rare condition.
13. ‘Worth it in the end’
After adopting a healthier lifestyle, a 50-year-old Michigan man sheds pounds—and much of his medication.
14. ‘Such a joy’
A colorful string of bravery beads shows a baby girl’s remarkable journey.
15. The indomitable Daniel
While battling a rare condition, a college student is full steam ahead on his dreams.
16. ‘Exactly what I wanted’
A baby boy arrives a week early to claim the title of first baby of the new year.
17. An end to years of pain
With a new electronic spinal implant, John Watson is finally returning to the active life he knew.
18. Amazing Amelia
Born with a rare syndrome, a 5-year-old Michigan girl is thriving as she undergoes a series of reconstructive surgeries.
19. ‘I just love what I do’
Three nurses forge a special bond after working more than four decades together in the NICU.
20. ‘I wouldn’t trade it for the world’
Amid the many demands of official business, Officer Nicole Bowl and police dog Max always make time for the essential—patient visits and playtime.
21. Miracle Marilyn
Perseverance played a lead role in a Michigan woman’s recovery from a heart attack and COVID-19.
22. ‘Forever changed’
Battling fatigue and heart trouble, Tim DeGeest learned he had a rare genetic mutation—and he’d need a heart transplant to survive.
23. ‘The sky’s the limit’
Lauren Vegter doesn’t just live with lupus—she soars.
24. ‘Exciting possibilities’
Parents, grandparents and caregivers assemble their time and talents to help a Michigan boy in his battle against a rare form of epilepsy.
25. ‘Top of the cool chart’
A passion for art and classic cars keeps a Michigan teen in good spirits amid a battle with cancer.
26. ‘The tumor is just melting away’
A 10-year-old girl’s fight against a rare cancer brings her to West Michigan for precision treatment.
27. ‘Keep a close eye on them’
Trampolines make for great childhood fun. But it’s important to recognize the inherent risks, doctors say.
28. ‘Providing a safe space’
Physicians take steps to bolster care for the LGBTQ+ community.
29. In the footsteps of caregivers
At 13, Sarah Conway lost her leg to cancer. Now a student in college, she’s chosen a career in medicine.
30. ‘I feel like a living miracle’
Robot-assisted surgery helps Deb Borst, 73, return to her active life after a cancer diagnosis.
31. ‘This disease doesn’t define me’
For Austin Gossard, 16, a multiple sclerosis diagnosis came ‘out of the blue’—but he’s still full steam ahead on a bright future.
32. ‘Yes, I can do this again’
When twin hockey players faced debilitating hip pain, minimally invasive surgery helped them return to the ice rink.
33. ‘Honored to be his mom’
Forget all the tests and treatments. Jase Amesbury embraces life with joy—swimming, bike riding and playing with his sister.
34. ‘Something special’
Five-year-old Louis Ribbens and his parents have undergone quite a journey of the heart.
35. ‘I changed everything, cold turkey’
After a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, Alan Barchett’s commitment to diet and lifestyle change has helped him reclaim his health.
36. ‘Daddy’s still here’
Children of adult patients in the hospital receive emotional support through a new Child and Family Life program.
37. A celebration of service
Four Corewell Health team members reflect on their years in the military—and how it helped shape their work today.
38. ‘My life is a blessing’
A clinical research study opens the door to a cure for sickle cell disease for a new group of patients.
39. ‘So much more energy’
Short medical fasts are giving a Michigan mom improved health and vitality.
40. ‘This really makes our kids smile’
An emergency department nurse delivers bright bundles of love on Valentine’s Day.
41. ‘I do everything now’
After doctors installed a small device in his spine, Don Ferris is enjoying a life without back pain—for the first time in years.
42. Time equals brain
When she suffered a stroke, quick treatment led Mary Kleinheksel to a remarkable recovery—and a chance to sing again.
43. ‘The best feeling in the world’
Advanced brain-mapping technology and brain surgery give a Michigan boy, 6, hope for a life without seizures.
44. ‘In good hands’
A fast-acting surgery on a ruptured hemangioma pulled Victoria Beauregard back from the brink.
45. ‘It was a wonderful year for us’
A breakthrough discovery and new chemotherapy medication give new hope to the family of an incredible 3-year-old.
46. A reunion of the tiniest fighters
Families and NICU care team members gather to celebrate health, happiness and promising futures.
47. ‘I’m proud of myself’
With help from a pediatric psychologist, a Michigan teen identifies anxiety as the source of her severe pain. Together, they’ve shaped her strategy for wellness.
48. ‘We’re running it together’
In battling leukemia, pharmacist Jeffrey Conzelmann found a perfect bone marrow donor in his longtime running partner—his brother.
49. More than a frequent flyer
In his battle against kidney disease, 11-year-old Isaac has become a familiar, smiling face at dialysis treatments.
50. Back on track
Intense rehab helps high school sprinter Allie Delost overcome a severe hamstring injury—just in time for an impressive showing at state finals.
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